The Southwest Transportation Planning Region (SWTPR) is responsible for reviewing the progress of CDOT related to transportation planning, analysis, and activities in the 5-County area. They also suggest updates and amendments as necessary to the State Transportation Plan.
The SWTPR consists of the following 19 seats: Archuleta County, Dolores County, La Plata County, Montezuma County, San Juan County, City of Cortez, City of Durango, Town of Bayfield, Town of Dolores, Town of Dove Creek, Town of Ignacio, Town of Mancos, Town of Pagosa Springs, Town of Rico, Town of Silverton, Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Ute Mountain Ute Indian Tribe,one member from the Regional Transit Coordinating Council, as well as the CDOT Regional Transportation Director.
The Chair or Vicechair of the SWTPR represent the region at the Statewide Transportation Advisory Committee (STAC). The STAC advises CDOT and the Transportation Commission on the needs of the transportation system in Colorado and reviews and comments on all Regional Transportation Plans (RTPs) and the Statewide Transportation Plan.STAC membership includes Colorado's fifteen urban and rural Transportation Planning Regions (TPRs) and two Indian Tribes. Voting representatives are selected by each, including five metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), 10 rural Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs) plus the Southern Ute and the Ute Mountain Ute Indian Tribes in southwest Colorado.
The state's transportation system is managed by the Colorado Department of Transportation under the direction of the Transportation Commission of Colorado. The commission is comprised of 11 commissioners who represent specific districts. Currently the SWTPR has representation on the TC.
Meetings of the SWTPR are held the second Thursday, every other month at 9:00 a.m. The meetings are held in the CDOT Training room: 20581 Hwy 160, Durango. Additionally, there is a virtual option via Zoom.
See a copy of the updated bylaws here.
NOTICE OF FUNDING OPPORTUNITY - Multimodal Transportation & Mitigation Options Fund
The Southwest Transportation Planning Region (SWTPR) is pleased to announce the opening of its application process for the FY2025-2028 Multimodal Transportation and Mitigation Options Fund (MMOF) program. A total of $1,382,598 is available for eligible multimodal projects that support transportation improvements in the SWTPR region.
Key Dates:
• December 20, 2024: Deadline to submit applications to
• January 24, 2025: CDOT Region 5 reviews of applications will be provided to applicants.
• February 5, 2025: Final applications (incorporating CDOT feedback) must be sent to and CC’d to for inclusion in the February packet.
• February 13, 2025: Applicants will present their projects to the SWTPR.
• March 31, 2025: SWTPR MMOF Subcommittee will review projects with scoring criteria and prepares recommendations.
• April 10, 2025: SWTPR will vote to award projects at their regular meeting.
Eligible Applicants:
The MMOF funding is available to municipalities, counties, transit agencies, school districts, and other eligible entities within the SWTPR boundaries. Projects must meet one or more of the MMOF program goals, which include:
• Promoting a complete and integrated multimodal transportation system.
• Enhancing transportation options for seniors, persons with disabilities, and rural or disproportionately impacted communities.
• Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting active transportation.
Application Process:
Applicants are required to submit a completed application form electronically. No printed or scanned files will be accepted. The application form can be downloaded from the SWTPR website or obtained via request by contacting
Match Requirements:
All projects are subject to match requirements. Depending on the location and entity type, the match rate may vary between 50%, 25%, or 0%, as outlined in the May 2024 Match Rate
Requirements document. Match reductions or exemptions can be requested based on economic hardship or local conditions.
Selection Criteria:
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
• Network/Modal Connectivity: Does the project improve connectivity for bicyclists, pedestrians, or transit users?
• Safety: Does the project include safety improvements for non-motorized users?
• Greenhouse Gas Reduction: Will the project reduce VMT or increase multimodal travel options?
• Equity: Does the project benefit disproportionately impacted communities or underserved populations?
• Economic Impact: How will the project boost tourism, commerce, or access to employment centers?
• Quality of Life: Does the project enhance public health or access to essential services?
Submission Instructions:
Submit your application electronically to by December 20, 2024. Be sure to CC in your final submission by February 5, 2025.
For any questions regarding the application process, eligibility, or match requirements, please contact the MMOF Program Manager at
Additional Resources:
MMOF Federal Funding Fact Sheet
Current Members:
Archuleta County |
Andrew Mylroie Veronica Medina |
Bayfield |
Matt Nyberg Katie Sickles |
Julie Constan Tony Cady |
Cortez |
Brian Peckins Kevin Kissler |
Dolores County |
Steve Garchar Linda Yellowman |
Dolores | ||
Dove Creek | Dagan Chadd | |
Durango |
Sarah Hill Allison Baker |
Ignacio |
Mark Garcia Jeremey Mickey |
La Plata County |
Clyde Church Kevin Hall |
Mancos |
Heather Alvarez Richard Tokar |
Montezuma County |
Jim Candelaria Kent Lindsay |
Pagosa Springs |
David Harris Matt De Guise |
Regional Transit Council |
Patrick Davis Keith Dunning |
Rico |
Nicole Pieterse Chauncey McCarthy |
San Juan County | Pete Maisel | |
Silverton |
Stephen Mead Gloria Kaasch-Buerger |
Southern Ute | ||
Ute Mountain |
Brendon Adams Bernadette Cuthair |
February 2025 | Agenda | Board Packet | Minutes |
April 2024 | Agenda | Board Packet | Minutes |
June 2024 | Agenda | Board Packet | Minutes |
August 2024 | Agenda | Board Packet | Minutes |
October 2024 | Agenda | Board Packet | Minutes |
December 2024 | Agenda | Board Packet | Minutes |
*Prior documents available upon request.
**Minutes are posted when approved.